They wants to esquentar the things then
is this that they make.
and still I find, you I know,
... they is putos for not having had no
"action", or something thus.
Good, no union, in any way...
Acha that they are in punishing?
Yes, perhaps.
Or we are in punishing, we
- God, I wanted to have a cigarette!
- Ei, Charlie, wait one minute.
Charlie, Charlie, wait, wait.
Quer a cigarette?
do not say that never I made nothing pra
Oh, my God.
What devils are this?
Its small bastard!
Charlie, wait.
Charlie, silence the mouth.
- Charlie.
- It goes to foder itself, its imbecile.
Vou expli...
Excellent one...
Because it caught cigarettes? It nor
Pra to sacanear with me.
face are a snake. It probably would
change the grandmother for money.
It said that my grandfather is not died.