
Audrey, I don't want to get into
this with you right now.

I just wanna go to sleep. I just
want to lay down next to you. . .

and go right to sleep. You want
to kick my ass all over. . .

in the morning that's. . .
that's fine, but I just wanna. . .

I'm fucking beat, man.
Hi, did you ever
see these guys.

Jimmy Fredericks. It was his
street name. He'd be dirty. . .

Wait. What are you jumping up and
down for? What's the matter?

-Cold man.
-Shut up! Hey! Is it tougher?

Speak English will you?
You're in America, speak English.

You remember a guy
named Jimmy Springs?

You seen this guy? Street name
was Jimmy Fredericks.

A guy named Jimmy Fredericks.
What's his street name?
That's his name. Jimmy Fredericks.
Sometimes go by Calvess, no?


Sure about that?
I wanna ask you about a cat named
Jimmy Fredericks used to hang. . .

around here.
I don't know that guy.
I want to ask you a question about a
guy. A guy named Jimmy Fredericks.
