You were right about the Mossberg.
Definitely, it's one of ours. Lab
pulled partial prints off of it.
One set belonged to Leflore, the
other belonged to Latroy Steeds.
They say he's got a bunch of drug
shit. Did 30 days in Wayne County.
-Got out a week ago.
-Do we know where he's at?
S-T-E-E-D-S. Larry, you're his
parole officer. He hasn't. . .
-Not once?
-We need an answer about that.
All right, let me know
if he shows, okay?
He hasn't checked in once.
Here, go on.
Let's sit on the house, see if
he shows up. Come on, go, go, go.
How long have you been
married, Nick?
Uh, about a year and a half.
Got any kids?
Yeah, one, I got a boy, big baby
boy. Almost ten months.
That's nice.
How long you been with your wife?
I lost her. We were married
just shy of sixteen years.
She had cancer.
-I didn't know. I'm sorry.
-That's okay.
We were talking wives.
You have one, I had one.