-So, what?
-So, how did it go?
-It went.
-What can I say?
-What did you say?
What do you think?
Ma'am, let me just, uh. . .
-Sorry. Your name again?
-Liz Detmer.
Right, Ms Detmer,
my duty assignment was solely. . .
undercover narcotic work. Do you
have any idea what that entails?
I have a general idea, yes.
OK. Well, then, Ms Detmer, you don't
know what you're talking about.
Expect to come out with this
''glad to be here'' bullshit.
-Head hung low, hat in hand.
-That's ridiculous.
Well, I'm not gonna forget.
It's all what they say.
Then I don't understand why, you
know, you went and talked to them.
Cause they asked.
Mr. Tellis, that's not necessary.
If you haven't seen what I've seen
or done what I've done. . .
you don't know where
I'm coming from.
I am not an officer of the law,
Mr. Tellis, and therefore. . .
I have no formal training, but
I would expect someone that. . .
did would, perhaps,
behave judiciously. . .
exercising discretion and restraint
in necessary quantities. . .
Jesus Christ, lady, look,
we can do this all God damned day.
You want to assess all this blame,
I'm gonna call you on it.
So what is this? I can make it very
simple. You want to talk, I'll talk.
I have no problem with that. But if
this becomes some half-ass ambush. . .
and you're putting me under
the lamp, I will walk. Now.
Are you familiar with
the Michael Calvess case?
He was murdered.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
This investigation, which you may
or may not know. . .
has stretched over 60 days. . .
and failed to produce any
tangible or yield a single suspect.
It has not deterred or diminished
our efforts to apprehend and. . .
punish those responsible.
Throughout your undercover stint,
you maintained prolonged contact. . .
with the city's drug element. Would
that be an accurate statement?