Five months pregnant, being in
a detox tank with you.
-Where is this coming from?
-Not sleeping.
And watching you climb the walls.
You remember that?
I'm a little late for bath time?
Well, excuse me. . .
I've been giving one
every day for seven months.
It's no big thing, like you can jump
in and then jump out again.
It is a big thing, all right?
A fucking big thing.
-It's two weeks work.
-That's bullshit. That is. . .
That is bullshit. That's all you
want me to think that it is.
The other day I asked
why you wanted to do this. . .
you said that you didn't
know. Well, I got news for you. . .
you need to know and you need to
let me know, cause for the life. . .
of me I'm looking at you, holding
your son and I can't understand you.
You understand?
I can't understand why you'd ever
feel the need to go back to that.
Yeah, what if it was me who got
wasted out there, Audrey?
-That wasn't you.
-What if it was.
-That wasn't you.
-What if it was?
There are other people aside
from you, okay.
-You're a little. . .
-You know, I got the feeling. . .
This kid beaten half-dead. I could
have walked away. Anyone could've. . .
Instead. . . I took a gun and I blew
half his head off, okay?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You were right about the Mossberg.
Definitely, it's one of ours. Lab
pulled partial prints off of it.
One set belonged to Leflore, the
other belonged to Latroy Steeds.
They say he's got a bunch of drug
shit. Did 30 days in Wayne County.
-Got out a week ago.
-Do we know where he's at?
S-T-E-E-D-S. Larry, you're his
parole officer. He hasn't. . .
-Not once?
-We need an answer about that.
All right, let me know
if he shows, okay?