That's nice.
How long you been with your wife?
I lost her. We were married
just shy of sixteen years.
She had cancer.
-I didn't know. I'm sorry.
-That's okay.
We were talking wives.
You have one, I had one.
I been asked before. Be easier on
people if I took my ring off, but. . .
And avoid these embarrassing
little moments, but it's okay.
I like talking about her.
First detail I had was, was Vice.
I wanted Robbery-Homicide,
but I caught Vice.
-I worked Vice.
-I hated it. Just hated it.
I rode it to the seams hoping to
leapfrog out of there, but, no good.
No dice.
I'd come home just in bad shape.
Pissed off.
That's when I first started getting
an ulcer. Just miserable.
I'd lie down in her lap.
She'd rub my head.
Some nights, she'd sing me
to sleep.
I'd just lie there, staring at her.
It's still the best place
I've ever been.