What' s all this?
Lune, you' re back already?
His Highness the Prince!
As you were!
I hurried back thanks to Yuki
What is all this?
Oh, Yuki
I' m glad we made it
Err. I just wanted to thank her
I thought you' d be happy
to have Haru as your bride
You don' t need to
worry about me
I want to marry Yuki
Looks like news to everyone
This Prince is not bad
Yuki, look
I went to your old
home to find this
Oh, could this be
what I think it is?
Those cookies...
I used to love those
That' s right
These are the fish cookies you gave
me when I was an orphan kitten
That kitten, that was you!
You' re so beautiful now that
I didn' t recognize you
Will you accept these as a token
of our life together from now on
That means
you two are getting married?
Oh, I am so happy
for you Yuki!
Thank you, Haru!
If I hadn' t met you then,