What happens when the light first pierces...
the dark dampness
in which we have waited?
We are slapped and cut loose.
If we are lucky,
someone is there to catch us...
and persuade us that we are safe.
But are we safe?
What happens if, too early,
we lose a parent?
That party on whom we rely
for only everything?
Why, we are cut loose again...
and we wonder, even dread...
whose hands will catch us now.
There once lived a man
named Nicholas Nickleby.
Unambitious in business...
he devoted himself
to the happiness of his family.
But he is not the Nicholas Nickleby
you have come to hear about.
That Nicholas Nickleby is here.
And here.
And here.
- Said your prayers?
- Yes.
I prayed that I should have this day...
the same day we had today,
all the rest of my life.
But someday you will find someone
who will have...
a greater hold on your affections than I do.