and I shall not be so forgiving.
The Exchange is now open for business.
You are known to me now...
every suspicion viciously confirmed.
And you to me.
I? What wrong have I done?
Did you not attack the schoolmaster?
The monster was beating a crippled boy!
You choose to restore that boy?
No more than I would restore
a lamb to a wolf.
Then your appearance here
to beg my help is in vain.
You mistake the point of this conference.
We knew no shame until we knew you...
and the degradations we have endured...
whether at Dotheboys Hall
or in the dark box of a theatre...
all trace their poisoned roots to you.
You did not want us when we came...
and it shamed me to seek help
from someone unwilling to give it.
Now our only shame is the blood
which binds our name to yours.
Therefore, your brother's widow
and her children renounce you!
May every recollection of your life cast
a terrifying darkness over your deathbed.
How soon that day may come,
I cannot know.
But I do know that in our life,
you live no more.
I disown him.
I would give good money
to have him stabbed...
and rolled into the kennels
for the dogs to devour.
As would I.