Nicholas Nickleby

But I am sure he's left London
in fear of my retribution.

Oh, indeed, sir, he has not.
I saw him just now in the city...
boasting of his triumphal attack over you.
I don't believe it.
You were there last night, Lord Verisopht.
I wager you could believe it.

I'll tell you what I believe.
I believe you have
only yourself to blame, Hawk.

If you had only told him who you were,
as he asked.

I was wrong, too, not to interfere.
I did not sleep the night, thinking about it.
Whatever mistakes were made,
were made by the boy.

I am his uncle,
and even I can see that he is no good.

He was defending the honor of his sister.
That is the very definition of goodness.
How can you not be proud of what
he's done in defense of your own niece?

You will be glad, my Lord, that I possess...
such an unsentimental view
when I am managing your investments.

Mr. Nickleby, I am no longer sure
I can make an investment with you.

- Because of my nephew?
- Because of your treatment of him!

And his sister!
When I think of her leaving
the theater that night...

I feel sick to recall it.
Surely there is another way for me
to expand my fortune...

than to enrich the tormentor...
of these children.
I see, from your eyes, you remember me.
