and take care of mother,
Kate, and Smike myself.
- But I grow desperate.
- Now, don't say another word.
My boy.
My good sir,
would you be so good as to wait here?
- Brother Ned?
- Yes, brother Charles?
I've found someone for the position. We
should make inquiries into his statements.
If confirmed, I'm hopeful they will be,
we should assist him.
It's enough for me that if you say he should
be assisted, then we shall assist him.
He has a mother, sister,
and friend in need of support...
as well as the demands of his own stomach.
Compared to us, dear brother,
he appears to have no stomach at all.
Frank, where are those cakes?
- Mr. Nickleby, my brother, Ned.
- How do you do, sir?
Thank you, Frank.
- My friend.
- Thank you.
Would you give us a moment
to discuss your salary?
Now then...
I suppose we should ascertain
his previous...
His previous stipend, of course.
Forgive me, sir, your previous salary was?
£1 a week, sir.
An annual salary of £52.
That's rather an unsuitable
emolument for a boy.
For such a talented, prospective youth.
Mr. Nickleby, we would like to offer you
a position here...
working alongside our nephew, Frank.
Based on the feeling I had during our walk...
as well as by the rapidity
with which you ate that cake...
we'd like to begin you on a salary
of £120 a year.
Is it not enough?
- We won't wait long before improving it.
- No.
It is the generosity of it that undoes me.