Smike is gone.
Bless you, dear boy.
Thank God for you, Newman.
Always there to catch me.
But what brings you here?
The young lady
for whom you've come to care so deeply...
- Is she in danger?
- She's to be married...
- To Sir Mulberry Hawk.
- What?
Before I tell you this,
promise you won't do anything rash.
Tell me.
It was your uncle. It was his idea.
I overheard it,
and I'm sure he did it to wound you.
I've so much more to tell you about him
and your dear friend Smike.
Your uncle doesn't know it yet,
but he has just lost £10,000.
What are you doing here?
I come to offer aid
to the unhappy subject of your treachery:
- Madeline Bray.
- Do you know her?
I beg you for a moment alone.
You were betrayed and sold for money.
This web is of my own weaving.
I know what I am doing and why.
I know why, too.
It only deepens my esteem for you.
But you cannot degrade yourself
in your esteem...
by giving yourself away
as payment for another man's debt.
I will not disguise from you, sir,
that I have undergone some...
pain of mind.
I do not love the gentleman.
This he knows,
and knowing, still offers me his hand.
By accepting, I can free my father...
Does your own happiness matter so little?
Father is all that remains of my family.
That is why I have come to offer you
a place in our home.