for if your wife's father had known...
he would have changed his will
and denied you his fortune.
Mr. Brooker also tells us
your wife had a child.
Your child.
Because the marriage was secret,
this, too, had to be kept secret...
and you sent her away.
Hush, my dear.
Don't mind it now.
Let me raise your head.
So the child was put out to nurse, far away.
His mother never saw him,
and she grew tired of the deception.
So she eloped with another man.
Soon thereafter, she came into her money.
You, naturally, pursued her...
leaving me in charge of the boy.
I was told to bring him here, which I did,
keeping him in the garret.
Neglect made him sickly.
Mr. Brooker consulted a doctor...
who said he must be removed from the city
for a change of air...
or he would die.
But he did die. I know that.
At last I can say it.
I told you that the boy had died,
but he had not.
I had heard, like most men,
of Yorkshire schools.
So I took the child to one
kept by a man named Squeers.
I was able to pay the fees myself,
but then my troubles took over...
and I was sent away out of this country.
When I returned, nearly eight years later,
I sought you out.
But you repulsed me.
So I found out your clerk...
and showed him there were good reasons
for communicating with me.
I told him my story.