Nicholas Nickleby

to prosper and increase
the brotherhood of all mankind
the reign of the Prince of Peace?
What can we do to hasten the time
the time that shall surely be
when the Earth shall be filled
with the glory of God
as the waters
cover the sea?
In every life, no matter how full
or empty one's purse...

there is tragedy.
It is the one promise life always fulfills.
Thus, happiness is a gift...
and the trick is not to expect it,
but to delight in it when it comes...

and to add to other people's store of it.
What happens if, too early...
we lose a parent...
that party on whom we rely
for only everything?

What did these people do
when their families shrank?

They cried their tears,
but then they did the vital thing:

They built a new family, person by person.
They came to see
that family need not be defined...

merely as those
with whom they share blood...

but as those for whom
they would give their blood.

It is in that spirit
that we offer this heartfelt toast...

to the brides and grooms.
The brides and grooms.
