He's no genius serial killer either.
Because almost every word
scribbled on the wall was misspelled.
He's definitely uneducated.
Juvenile son of a bitch.
Makes sense.
Let's go back to the station.
Mayberry's waiting for us.
It's good.
Anti-U.S. protests in the Middle East
are rising to a fevered pitch...
as the President struck a deal
with our Middle East Allied Front...
to provide them with chemical
and ballistic weapons training...
and support
in exchange for using military bases.
In order to combat the evil,
totalitarian regimes of Libya and Iran...
the people of Iraq can be
an invaluable friend of the United States.
According to the plan suggested...
supplying regimes in the Middle East
with weapons of mass destruction...
further escalates tension.
Citizens of East Los Angeles are protesting
again downtown today...
as two more victims of the Night Stalker
were found today, both young women.
In a related story, gun sales in Los Angeles
are at an all-time high.