His back, his left incisor's crooked?
- Look.
- Let me see.
Here. Here.
Our guy's got a smile
only his mother could love.
The sicko doesn't have a mother.
Just wanted to let you guys know
that there's still no match.
The Chief wants everybody back
out on the street, including you guys.
Still no match.
How exactly does
this supercomputer work anyway?
I've no fucking idea.
Okay. So how long we gonna wait?
- I don't know.
- Maybe we should've released the sketch.
I'll tell you one thing,
if this guy kills again...
we'll see a community uproar out there
like nothing we've seen.
Yeah. That Mexican community's not happy.
I think it's more than strange
that he's hit three times in East LA.
Easy access. Close to freeways.
Not a lot of local police presence.
- Yeah. Or...
- The killer is Latino.
- Bingo.
- Yes.
The mother and daughter never said
he had an accent.
Not every Hispanic person has an accent.
Still, why would he go after his own people?
That is the most racist thing
I've ever heard in my entire life.
This psycho doesn't have any people.
You watch the way you talk to me,
young lady.
Do you hear that? "Young lady."
"His own people." Listen to yourself.
- You fucking mock me.
- Easy. Come on.
All right.
We're all after the same bad guy here.
Come on.
Great work, Martinez.
You're really doing a great job here.