Quite often disgusting
The coffee is foul...
North American
I only have an apple
for lunch
Then what about
my place tonight?
Am I too fast?
Can you remind me
at the end of the day?
- If you want me to
- Yes
- The address...
- The address... On the board!
If not, I'll be covered in messages
by the end of the day
Fish or meat?
- For me?
- Yes
Keep it simple
I'll bring the wine
- Red or white?
- I prefer red
The remains of the last guy
who made a mistake with the wine
Was that recently?
3 million years ago!
It's a real bone
I'm into history
and primate ecology...
You know what Paleontology is?
Take a look at it
It must be fascinating
I'd have trouble following along
I live day by day
Even hour by hour