Have a seat
I'm very worried
I have no news of Pablo
- Pablo?
- Oh, yes...
He's never at home
He doesn't answer the phone
- I hope he isn't sick...
- No
He's doing well
His work is improving
We're all very happy with him
He's had no problem integrating
I'm dying to see him
I understand
But this is his workplace
and it must remain that way
He won't recognize me
That might change
I hope so for you
Even if that means we'll lose him
What good would it
do seeing him now?
But I'm his wife
I'll show you the way
He recognized me
He doesn't want to see me...
He didn't see us
He's quite unpredictable, you know
We could speak more
privately of him
- How so?
- Give me your phone number
Well, I'm moving closer...
Now I see him better
He's very meticulous
He checks all copies