
Don't come in.
And then this fucking doctor said
3weeks is more realistic.

He said realistic right to my face.
- That's tough.

You shouldn't die alone.
You should be with your family.

lt's my Dad and
it's just3weeks, 3weeks.

He is going to be here.
And that's that.

Wouldn't he better off at home?
We can take care of him there.

People piss in his stairway.
He could be with Katrine
andyou could cook for him.

And l swear l'll get him
to talk to Martin.

Where will he sleep?
- Our sofais as big as a football field.

Can'tyou say ''we'll manage''
and ''it will be fine''?

Sure, we'll manage just fine, but
you don't exactly get alongwith him.

l'm going to talk to Katrine.
What didyour Dad say?
lt's just...
You don't know anyone anymore
so you'll be all alone here.

Wouldyou look at me?
l wantyou to move in with us.
And lounge around on the sofa?
- No, you won't lounge anywhere.

You'll be with us.We'll...
... be together as a family.
