The Governor has
a very personal way
of receiving
his female voters at home.
Control room! Cut that!
A terrible event
has just occurred.
We have just received a dispatch.
20 minutes ago,
Plato Makovski, Infocar President,
was assassinated.
A daring assassination
was carried out
on one of Russia's
leading entrepreneurs.
Today at 3:40 PM,
the Mercedes which was taking
Plato Makovski to his dacha
was the target
of several anti-tank missiles.
At the moment, the authorities
are refusing to comment.
But our sources
at the FSB declared
that he was accompanied
by a bodyguard
and his chauffeur.
That calls for a drink.
Is everyone like that in Moscow?
In Moscow? Everyone!
...are having trouble
identifying the bodies.
This is the 13th
assassination attempt on
Plato Makovski.
The 13th proved fatal.
Vladimir Zalatinski,
Info-TV, Moscow.
I know one thing...
It's no way to behave.
Am I right?
I can turn the compliment around:
you were the one who said
he needed seeing to.
Everyone said so.
- What're you looking at me for?
- No reason.
Vassili Vassilevich...
- Hi. Have you heard?
- Yeah.