Moussa is like a brother to me.
He's as simple and reliable as...
An old Colt!
Then, there's Viktor. A genius.
- I can do Einstein.
- A real genius.
Tomorrow, his scientific paper
will cause
a scientific earthquake.
Let's go on.
That's Mark.
Pay no attention.
He complains all the time,
because he thinks he's our mother.
I want to drink
to the most beautiful woman
in the world.
To Maria.
- A glass.
- There aren't any more.
Give me the bottle.
To Maria! Hurrah!
You look like a trumpet player!
ID and tickets!
Can we work something out,
Alcohol is forbidden
in public places.
I'm reporting you to your superiors.
I like the honest look
of men in uniform!
- How'd you like 2 weeks in jail?
- Not at all.
Did my husband send you?
Leave them alone.
It's OK, I'm going.
Wake up. Come on,
up you get, darling.