Viktor was a genius
in mathematics.
Whereas Plato
was a "rat charmer",
a pied piper of Hamelin,
making people follow him
like rats...
We live in the age
of these rat charmers.
Gorbachev was one, so was Yeltsin.
I spot them with my eyes closed.
I know that you were
the chief accountant
of Plato's company...
which made brooms.
I need to take my medicine.
What brooms?
They wrote theses
for rich idiots.
1,000 rubles per thesis.
- And they stone-washed jeans.
- Why?
From the start of perestroika,
he started drumming into them
that a new age of freedom
was coming.
But they still needed money
to start off with.
The two of them took their Ph D's,
became doctors,
but the idiots gave up science
to stone-wash jeans.
But it was the Georgian
who really cleared up.
Do you want a drink?
11 years before Plato's death
Dry cleaning cooperative, Moscow
- Viktor, they're fake Levis!
- Of course.
We'll write you a brilliant thesis,
but why do you need it?
I run a Lada garage in Georgia.
Moussa just messed up
his 5th pair.