I'll break the door down!
Chmakov, open up!
- What do you want?
- Where's the cassette?
What cassette?
That Makovski recorded
at the Kremlin.
- Ah, the cassette!
- Yes, the cassette.
Here it is.
Give it to me.
Give it to me.
He calls me up:
"Can you come over?"
9 months before Plato's death
I say: "Where?" "The Kremlin."
"I'll send you a car."
"I've got mine."
"lt'd take too long to get you
a pass." And he hangs up.
Capital punishment
for theft of State funds
still hasn't been abolished.
Do you know that, Mr Makovski?
How bloodthirsty you are,
Mr Koretski.
Did you know that the President
set up an amnesty committee?
We're building
a more humane society.
No amnesty can concern you.
Let me be quite clear:
you're a criminal.
A dangerous criminal.