Mr Lomov's campaign HQ.
One moment, I'll check.
Mr Lomov is busy.
I'd like to ask him a few questions.
I just told you he's busy.
He can't see you.
If you have any questions,
write them down
and he'll answer them.
Take this down, then.
First question:
How much did Lomov pay
General Koretski
for Plato Makovski's execution?
Pardon me?
Carry on.
He wanted questions in writing?
So, write.
- Why did you send for me?
- A little drink?
I asked you a question.
Look what he sent me,
your genius from the Urals!
Read it carefully -
there's funny stuff on you, too.
- He's dead!
- Calm down.
You wasted Makovski -
now I have to clean up.
- What do I do, then?
- Go to jail.
You know
that this is the age of justice.
But I'm offering you the TV channel.
You're trembling, you two-bit hero!
Go raise your reindeer
and stay away from Moscow
for six months.
What about his questions?
Do I answer them?