No need.
Another scoop on Infocar:
lts Info-TV channel will now be
controlled by Nikolai Lomov's
petrol company, Sieviergaz.
This what was just announced
in a news flash
from Info-TV's star anchorman,
Evgueni Roudenko.
Dear viewers, goodbye
and thank you.
Stay on your guard.
What is happening
to your channel today
may happen
to each of you tomorrow.
Remember what Hemingway said:
"For whom does the bell toll?"
Are you watching TV?
Why isn't Larry's mobile working?
He changed the number.
Give it to me.
I don't have it.
Maria, please!
The future of Infocar is at stake.
If he calls, I'll tell him.
Thank you.
Larry called an hour ago.
He wants us to send him
a car tomorrow at 11.
Where to?
- You won't tell?
- I promise.
- What'll you tell him?
- I'll think of something.
4, Chevchenko Wharf,
Building 3, in the courtyard.
Thank you.
I'll never forget what you just did.