No, I can't.
- Come on!
- No.
- Why not?
- I'm ashamed.
- C'mon!
- No.
You know you should
never say no to me.
Plato, here we are!
- Sorry, girls, another time!
- We want to dance.
Later, later!
Go on, girls.
Go on, you get back to work.
Want an apple?
No, thanks.
Are we screwed or not?
What do you think?
So, it's a disaster.
It can't be worse.
I wanted to suggest
something to you.
Stupid Moussa has had an idea.
We go along with them,
but I become CEO.
Except I'll do everything
you tell me!
As always! We'll be OK...
My leg!
Isn't that a good idea?
- What do you say?
- Careful...
Do you like it?
They had it all figured out:
you sold them your 2%,
they became majority shareholders
and make you CEO to thank you.
What are you talking about?
Are you crazy?
You were told I was dead.