All right.
Sy: I've been doing
P.O.S. mini-lab work
for over 20 years now.
I consider it
an important job.
When people's houses
are on fire...
what's the first thing
they save
after their pets
and their loved ones are safe?
The family photos.
Some people think that
this is a job for a clerk.
They actually believe
that any idiot
that attends
a 2-day seminar
can master the art
of making beautiful prints
in less than an hour.
But of course,
like most things...
there's far more to it
than meets the eye.
I've seen the prints
they fob off on people
at the Rexall or Fotek.
Milky, washed out prints.
Too dark prints.
There's no sense of reverence
for the service
they're providing for people.
I process these photos
as if they were my own.
I see someone had quite
a birthday party.
I did them
5x7 for you.
Oh, I wanted them
Um, the larger ones
are better.
I didn't charge you
extra for them.
Nina: Okay, um...
it's okay, I guess.