This is not
about things, Will...
and it's not
about money.
You're neglectful.
Do you understand that?
You are an emotionally
neglectful husband...
and you're
an emotionally
neglectful father.
Got it now?
That's just fuckin' great.
You're not here,
You're not here.
You're never here.
I'm going to bed.
Woman On TV:
Nude photos of her--
Man On TV:
lf, in your mind--
Lisa Simpson On TV:
Bart, what's wrong with you?
Oh, my God!
Someone's trying
to kill me!
Oh, wait. It's for Bart.
[Sinister Music Plays]
Bart: But
who'd wanna hurt me?
I'm this century's
Dennis the Menace.
It's probably the person
you least suspect.
[Lisa Giggles]
That's good, Dad.