Sy: Then there's
the amateur porn artists.
We have to report kiddie porn
and animal cruelty...
but anything else,
no questions asked.
is look at
these prints.
Plus point 3? Sy,
are you fuckin' kiddin' me?
Point 3?
Nobody gives a shit
until those shifts
are in the double digits.
It's blue, Larry.
Well, I bet Brandt cares
about a plus point 3.
Are you fuckin'
threatening me?
You're breakin' my balls
over a plus 3 blue shift.
Fuckin' asshole.
Next time
you call me out here...
that thing better be
belching fire.
That's a great
attitude, Larry.
Thanks for your
precision work.
Bill: Sy.
What the hell
you doin'?
Excuse me?
What was the deal
with you and the AGFA guy?
Well, Bill,
I'm trying to preserve