Orange County

Yeah. It’s over.
What? What happened?
What’d she say?

She’s sorry, and she thinks
you’re an incredible lady.

Listen, Mom, when the mail comes,
will you call me on my cell?

‘Cause I’m supposed to hear
from Stanford today.

Come on. Don’t get upset, Mom.
All right? You knew this day
was gonna come.

I’m just goin’ to college.
It’s not like I’m leaving the planet.

Mom, get a grip.
I won’t.
I’m going back to bed.
Check this out.
You gotta help us out.

- Don’t call me a punk.
- You’re a punk.

You remember the night we all went
golfing and I paid for everyone?

- ‘Cause stinge-king over here--
- Who paid for parking?

I don’t remember you ever paying
for anything in your sorry life.

Of course you don’t remember
when someone else does.

Did you guys know
that it’s April 1 5?

A year ago today, Lonny died.
Hey, dude, that’s true.
I can’t believe
it’s been a whole year.

I was thinking that, you know...
maybe we should do something
in his memory.

We should pull a killer prank.
We should go jump off something.

Yeah, bro, or blow something up.
Maybe we should go to Emerald Cove
and have a surf in Lonny’s memory.
