How is she?
- She's fine. - How
did you find her?
She's fine, she's beautiful.
Take good care of her. If you
need me, I'll be outside.
He had a granddaughter.
Sometimes she kept him
company while he drove.
One day his son got involved
in an ugly business.
He had been in and out
of jail several times.
He made good money.
I think his name was Raul.
I don't remember and I
don't want to ask him.
One day he bought the girl a
bike and went for a ride.
The cops had been watching
him and went after him.
They set him up.
They say they didn't see the
girl, they just saw the guy.
She was shot several times,
I'm sure they saw her.
Her mum never forgave him.
And she doesn't allow
him to see his grandson.
He says it's
better this way.
Sometimes it's better to leave
alone the people we love.
This lady wants
to see you.