Yeah, take me Uptown, man.
-I'm gonna take you Uptown.
Five thou you can't make
the shot. You off right here.
You off right here, man.
Your man drunk.
That's off right there.
Where's my money, man?
-Lucky cat right there.
Let me get my money, man.
-Nigga, bet it right back.
That ain't nothin', man.
-I need paid.
Go ahead, nigga.
-Thank you.
But double up.
Bet it right back.
There go your five.
Bet it five right back.
Go ahead, Mr. Mitch.
Double up.
Well, now this nigga feelin'
lucky, man.
Feelin' like he like you or
something, man. Double it up?
Like him? I'm me!
Double up!
Let's see if you gonna
make the shot now, Mr. Mitch.
Make the shot now, baby.
You're soft, Mitch.
Mitch! Make the money count!
Make the money count!
Ah, nigga, that's off!
Give me my money.
Give me my money.
Give me my money.
-Come on, man.
I ain't got it right now.
-Right here, man.
You ain't got it? No ribs!
-Now, come on, B.!
No ribs, no rice,
no champagne!
You don't eat nothin'! Fuck you,
man, I'll get my money, man.
Pay me my money, man.
Yo, A., man, just
Ioan me $10 G's real fast
till I get back to the crib.
Loan your man $10 G's, 'cause l
ain't givin' him his food back.
And no more soy sauce, nigga.
-That's $5,000, man.
What the fuck you mean?
Lend me $10,000 real fast, B.
I'm gonna give you the dough
when I get back to the crib.
I got $5,000 man. I'm payin' for
your paper bag games, is it?
You're a
cheap-ass motherfucker.
You're a cheap-ass
This motherfucker
rich as shit,
acting like
he ain't got $10,000.
You just burned anyway
'cause you lost, man.
Hello? Word.
Take your money.
-Take your food.
No, I'll go get Aunt June.
I'll pick her up.
All right.
I'm gonna slow down.
-All right, it's on, baby.
N-N-Now, hold up, B. I ain't
finished taking your money.
Nah, Keisha having a baby, man.
Yo, congratulations,
my man, having a baby.
Keep that for yourself, man.
You good?
Do your job, man.
Congratulations, motherfucker!
motherfuckin' father!
You was good, motherfucker!
This motherfucker layin'
the motherfuckin' power!
-Yo, we family now!
Fuckin' look!