this is a big-ass rock, B.
All this for a hundred?
Man, this is better than
Calvin's stuff. Word up.
Yo, I could hook up
with you later, right?
Nah, man, I'm...
across the street.
The building
across the street.
All right, G.
Peace out.
You know what this is?
Yeah. It's coke.
but that's a kilo of coke.
How much is it worth?
No "damn."
Damn, that's damn good, okay?
A'ight, I'm sayin'...
The shit on the street
is garbage.
This crud that's washed
with acetone and kerosene.
This is the best product,
and you gonna be the only one
in the street holding this.
$25,000 is the street price.
Of that, I get $18,000.
That's right,
for every key that you move.
You know I...
I still got my job
at the cleaners, um
No, it's perfect, man,
because that's how
everybody knows you... as Ace.
Forget about heroin.
This is the wave
of the future, baby.
Crazy, man.
I'm gonna give you
an eighth of a key, okay?
Break it up.
Do like you did with the rock.
See me in four days, okay?
'Sup, niggas?
How you niggas livin'?
You all a'ight?
Everything good out here?
What's up, baby?
Good, good, good.
How you feel, baby?
Got that money for me, man?
I gotta make moves.
Yeah, I got it,
but not all of it, yo.
What you mean,
you ain't finished?
I got robbed, yo.
Park it around the block!
Around the block, man!
The fuck you mean you got
robbed, man? Who robbed you?
Got robbed, man.
That nigga, Duff.