
I'm so sorry madam.
We try to do our best for the client.
But remember, you're dealing
with living things.

You've lost my trust.
I will make it right again!
Save the speech! I want another one.
One that is constantly erect!

I want this one!
A-ko, This one would be better for you.
Now we must discuss how we'll
deal with your current 964.

Aah, That? Nothing but rubbish.
What did you do with him?
I was pissed off... I threw him out.
Is there a problem?

You made a big mistake...
Do you understand that because
964 is out there somewhere...

We run the risk that everyone
will know about this...

I will give you a new Pinocchio A-ko but if you
do this again I will have to have you erased!
