It's a pretty nice plant, it's got
beautiful flowers and everything.
But then somebody comes along,
calls it a weed...
and I've got to pull it out.
It doesn't seem fair somehow.
I'll tell you what.
Let's leave them as they are, and
you and I will call them flowers.
- What do you say?
- Okay.
No, no, I'm not saying
I think she planned it.
However, would you give Bran Flakes
to someone quite obviously used...
to Crispy Wheat?
Oh, speak of the devil!
Merys, I'll call you later.
- Morning.
- Betty...
- I was so sorry to hear about Dilys.
- Thank you so much...
I was just speaking
to Merys Gwynedd.
- Said she felt so helpless.
- The other end of the phone and all.
Imagine talking to someone
on the phone at the very moment...
...when God calls them.
- Must be like call waiting.
- Only she never came back on.
- Had a close call with Bran Flakes...
...the other day.
- Did you?
- Oh, she did.
- It went all cloggy.
A great lump got stuck
in me throat.
I had to use the Heimlich
manoeuvre on her.
She spat a wad
clear across the table.
Hit the Reverend Price
right in the back of his head.
They should do a show
on that, do you know?
Close calls with
breakfast foods or something.
Anyway, where
are you having the funeral?
Boris Plots.
Have you been to a funeral
at that new place, Featherbed's?
- No, can't say I have.
- They're American, you know.
- So I heard.
- Inherited the shop from his uncle...
old Bryn Flowers.
You can depend on Boris,
he'll do a lovely job.
- Pity he never got married.
- Come on, Thelma...
you wouldn't marry
a funeral director!
Besides, he's so shy.
He's got no "get up and go"!