Plots with a View

Come on, let's get out of here.
Been thinking about the other day.
Trying to figure out a way
to have a Fred and Ginger ending.

I don't think it's possible for us
to end up like in the movies.

Eventually, the house lights
have to come up.

I should have spoken up years ago.
I'd better be going.
Tell me you're happy.
- I'm happy.
- Look me in the eye and tell me...

you're happy. I'll go back to my
shop and never say another word.

Oh, Boris...
I love it up here.
It's quiet, see?
Get a chance to think.
Get things in perspective.

Come away from the edge.
You go over, you'll break your neck!

The Morgan woman went off here
about 10 years ago. Not pretty.

Look out!
You do care.
Here you go.
I know my life isn't
everything I dreamed of, but...

how many people
do get to live their dreams?

I love you, Betty Rhys Jones.
I always have.
And I think I love you,
Boris Plots.

Oh, Betty, if only I'd known.
- There's a "but".
- Oh, you know.

