He's here!
He's here!
I'm going to crack.
Be careful, Boris.
I'm frozen stiff!
It's all right, love,
I'll thaw you out.
I can't move!
- Councillor Rhys Jones, do come in.
- Thank you, Boris.
May I say you have our deepest
condolences at this time?
Perhaps a few moments to say
goodbye before we close the coffin.
She was so young.
I loved her so much.
I don't know how I will go on.
She's so beautiful.
So serene.
Is that a frozen pea?
Residue... from the fluids we use.
It's almost like she was alive,
and after such an accident.
- You've done an amazing job, Boris.
- Thank you.
She's so delicate and cold.
- Death is cold, isn't it?
- It certainly is.