Tomorrow sounds good.
Thanks, Mr. Schartl.
But we can't pick it up
until Monday.
No problem. Monday's fine.
But yours truly
won't be around.
Oh yes, isn't vacation fun!
Not bad either, eh?
This is my wife.
AII right, that's enough.
There's just one thing wrong
with my sweetheart.
She's German,
not Austrian Iike me.
Come Gerry, that's enough
or you'll be roasted.
lt's my turn.
She's not as bad as her accent.
And besides,
you get used to everything.
Be my guest.
Thank you.
Hey Gerry...
You don't think a person gets
stir crazy at a resort like this?
Surrounded by idiots
you didn't pick?
Yeah, maybe in the cheapones,
but not in a 4-star joint.
But they just said 3-star, no?
Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit.
The main thing is
that it's a 4-star place.
My head is aching again.
You see, they
rate them differently.
They've got other standards
down there.
And competitive sports are Iike
dog-eat-dog business:
either you got it,
or you don't.
Ah, this is our lovely daughter.