OK,it can wait till you
get back from vacation.
OK. Good, thanks.
Time to make like
a banana and split.
What can be important enough ...
to mention in the middIe
of a funeraI?
And then not
that important after aII?
l'll go back and ask him.
Hello, sweetheart. l'm on my way.
Yeah, honest, l'm in the car.
Get moving, moron.
God, you should see this traffic.
Are you aIready
at the check-in desk?
Great. l'll be right there.
You got my suitcase, right?
This thing weighs a ton...
Patricia, will you get down here?
And bring your stuff with you.
Help me, please...
Where in the world are you?
What? ls anything wrong?
lt's been a tough day.
What are we going to do with her?
Cherish her.
Princess you in vacation mode?
Come on, let's go.
l thought you wouldn't make it.
A promise is a promise
and made to be...