The only bummer is:
no network.
No reception.
A few words of expIanation
from Junior ...
wouId make aII the difference.
I'm not hystericaI or anything,
I'm just cautious.
Enemies Iurk everywhere,
sad but true.
What's important
in a situation Iike this ...
is to keep cooI.
Oh God...
lt's no use,
there's no reception.
This sucks.
So what.
lt's not that l'm scared of
getting a new boss.
That's not it at all.
But ...
what if Junior just decides to
get rid of me.
Who mentioned negotiations
with Germany?
Why do you say Germany, Dad?
Hold on.
He doesn't want to get rid of me.
The traitor sold the company
to the Germans.
Hello, Doctor.
No sign of the suitcase?
Or do you go to a funeral?
You all think you're pretty clever.
But don't be messin' with me.
This means war.