between your legs
when the music stops, you lose.
Losers either have to sing
a song or tell a joke, OK?
Are you ready?
You guys are great.
Let me just remind you that ...
we're aII
doing this voIuntariIy.
Nobody's forcing us
to do any of this.
We're aIIowed to drive cars,
we have the right to vote,
they Iet us raise chiIdren
that worries me sometimes.
Cool, keep it going.
You're gonna set a record.
Stupid game.
Oh well, l was hungry anyway.
Hey, what are you doing?
l don't like Germans.
OK Ben:
song or joke?
This isn't a joke, it's fact.
How do archaeologists
identify Austrians?
They're sway-backs.
Because we used to
ride them to work.