We've got a winner.
Your prize is you don't have
to sing or tell a joke.
Just kidding.
Of course you get a prize.
You win a trip to the temple city
with ''Happy Holiday'' Tours.
And what do we
do with our winner?
We dunk him.
lnto the pool with him.
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
No, that's not a good...
These are my only clothes.
lnto the pool with him.
lt's idiotic.
This means war.
lf that's what you want,
fine with me.
Glad to see you're having fun.
Your suitcase is at
the reception desk.
Really? Great.
What about the phone?
You forget to
pay the phone bill?
Maybe. Better tomorrow.
Right you.
Now something different.
What the fuck?
l deliver suitcase
to Gerry's bungalow.
That's not my suitcase.
ls this black?
ls this black?
Don't know. l go ask.
Fine. Where is...