Gabriella St. John.
Would you get off my car?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm just looking for a story.
This is a research facility,
there's no story here.
Yeah, right.
Nice to meet you.
Nice place. You're a regular?
They've been watching me.
It 's safer here.
What did I say
about being paranoid?
You said,
"Russ, don't worry about it...
I'd never accept a position
over you."
It 's very late, Russ.
I've started to put my report
back together.
I reconstructed the first quarter
and I'll have the rest of it soon.
- You have a problem.
- I'm telling you, it 's conclusive.
Look at yourself.
You have got to slow down.
You're working too much,
you never sleep...
- These equations...
- Look, I'm going to be blunt.
Your problem is you.
It 's not your ex-wife, it 's not
Saturn Energy nor our research.
- Please, get some help.
- And the report? It 's evidence.
The heat the tests are producing is
10 times hotter than anything before!
You know what that means?
We're causing these earthquakes.
I'm sure of it.