he didn't go.
- But I think it 's important we...
- The best for us now is to continue.
As planned.
- I was being shot at!
- Maybe those cops had friends.
There's something to that place.
Something going on at that facility.
- Yes, research. Now leave it alone.
- When I went there...
Nash, there is no drama in the
energy story. Don't create it.
- I thought drama sells newspapers.
- Real drama.
This is real, Breech!
Fine. Fine.
- But a few bandages prove nothing.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm sorry about that...
Quiet place to meet. The e-mail.
- What does it mean?
- Not much, it 's incomplete.
Geological stress equations, faults,
a line or two regarding agitation.
- Earthquakes?
- Maybe.
Darren Claxton knows for sure.
- Darren Claxton?
- He is Saturn Energy.
- So I need to go inside that facility?
- Lf you want the truth, yes.
0kay. So, what 's in the case?
Special equipment you'll need.
The crime fighter.
It 's 500 milliwatt air-cooled
argon lon laser.
Adjustable wave length,
ceramic metal inner tube.
Just aim the light,
flip control switch on.
Looking in a whole new world.
- What 'll I see?
- Anything that will fluoress.