It 's a seed, eventually it grows.
Not without water.
McCullough showed her the report.
He has to be dealt with.
And Gabriella St. John?
I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking...
"Do I want to be known
as the man who orchestrated...
an affordable and unlimited supply
of energy that propelled mankind...
into the future?
0r do I want to be known
as the man who...
quit when he got scared?"
We all get scared, Sr. Claxton.
But it 's the ones who face
their fears who win in the end.
And the winners write
the History books, and...
in yours they'll just say, it was
part of the scientific process.
The e-mail...
went to a Rita Chetavich.
It 's being taken care of as well.
I'm still waiting
for that energy story.
I need you to dig up everything
you can on Darren Claxton.
- The former Secretary of Energy?
- Yeah, DC from DC.
And why do you need
information on Claxton?
The man who did things inside the
beltways is doing the same at Saturn.