Punch-Drunk Love

Is that car gonna be OK?
It's fine. Thanks.

Barry. It's your sister.
Hi! How are you?
How do you do Elizabeth?

How's going?
It's going great!

Just stop by to say hello!

So, you're going tonight, right?
Yes, I'll be there! Cool!

You're going? Yes I am. Actually, I came by
to talk to you about something in particular.

There's this girl, this friend of mine from work,
who I think is really cute and really cool.

And I want you to meet her so I was thinking
about bringing her to the party tonight.

I don't wanna do that!

I just ... I don't do stuff like that!

No, you don't really do anything!
She'd be looking at me!
So? What's wrong with looking at you?
It's a free country!

It feels like I would be a little tense
and I don't think I'll act like myself.

Well ... that's kind of your fault!
It's a slight chance
I'm not even coming tonight!

Oh! Really?
Everyone said you were coming!
Didn't you tell everyone you were coming?

Yes, I renew my gym membership.
Oh, right! Oh, god, well ...
that's solve everything actually.

If you're not gonna come tonight
I can just bring her.

It's not a big deal.
Well, you'll be fine!

Please don't!
Just try to be your friend Barry.
Hope you can make it!
