Punch-Drunk Love

Very good.
91 ... I'm soryy

OK! So hang on Barry all right?
Thank you very much.

We're all set! Can I have the telephone number,
area code first and then we'll call you back?

Could you possibly just
connect me to one of the girls?

Well, it's a call back service
so we'll call you back.

OK ... I just was calling to speak with
one of the girls, I thought that's how it works ...

... I'm 8187753993
OK. And what kind of girl
would you like to talk to?

I don't want anybody to know it's me
and I don't want'em to know my name OK?

Nobody will know your name!
OK, if you could tell my name is Jack.

You want her to call you Jack?
Sure ... I just don't want her to know it's me.
OK, that's fine Jack.
Thank you. I'm sorry.

No problem!
So we'll call you right back, OK?


Hello, this is Back.
I'm calling for Jack.

How are you doing?
Hi, how are you doing?
This is Jack!

This is Georgia.

Hi, what are you doing tonight?
Nothing. What are you doing?
I am laying on my bed.
