Punch-Drunk Love

So I think they're trying to push their
Teriyaki Chicken which is 1.79 USD ...

But I went to the Supermarket, I looked arround
and I saw that they had pudding at 0.25 USD/cup.

Comes in packages of four,
but insanely ...

... the barcodes are on the individual cups!
So, a quarter of a cup ...
say you bought 2.50 USD worth ...

That's worth 500 miles, ...
with the coupon it's a 1000 miles ...

It's a marketing mistake but
I'm taking advantage of it.

If you already spent 3000 USD ... that will
get you a million frequent flyer miles ...

... you would never have to pay
for a ticket for the rest of your life!

So you put a lot pudding so you
can get free coupons. Yes.

That's insane!
I'm guessing it was a mistake ... but I'm
taking advantage of the wallets offered.

Who knows how long it will last!
Too many peoples start doing it!

Your sister has told me a history about you.
When you were kids you throw
a hammer through the door, right?

Threw a hammer!
I don't remember doing that.

My sister's a liar!
I have to go to the bathroom.
Hello! Hi!
Can I talk to you sir?
