Punch-Drunk Love

You can go to places in the world,
but pudding ... that is funny!

That's funny!

It's gonna work!
I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming ...
Baby I'm coming!

Better go on line ...
Barry! I'll be on line!
OK! I'm coming! OK.

No no no no ...
What do you mean?

That it takes six to eight weeks?
Sir ... Sir ...

Sir, it takes that much time to process
the order to make sure that it is valuable.

I ... I had this plan in my mind, OK?
I, I was gonna get the pudding today.

I can get the pudding over to you today,
that's it, I'm leaving today.

Sir, as I explained to you before,
it takes this much time to process.

But how am I supposed to know this if you don't
tell me this, it's not in your rules and regulations, ...

.. in the fine print. That's an impossibillity.
Anyone know this.
- It takes that much time to process.

Ok, I didn't see a 6 or an 8 anywhere.
This is bull...crap to me.

No, no no no ...
Sir, it takes that much time to process.


All right! The pudding is gonna take 6 to 8 weeks
to process, so that's not gonna work today.

I take a bath on that today!
But here's what I'm gonna tell you.

Now ... Pudding!
You're ok?
We'll get to the pudding later. Yeah.
