Don't be afraid.
lt's only your body that dies.
I impressed m maker
with m thirst for things.
He set out to educate me
in the unknown.
Taught me all about the world,
its hidden histor...
...and about mself.
That's enough, my son.
When you feed, hold back
from the moment of death.
Never take the last drop, or it will
draw you in and you will die.
Appreciate your prey.
Their blood that we take into us
carries with it life...
...their life, their knowledge,
their complexity.
M senses run amuck,
like a newborn child.
And as for m new powers, I was beside
mself with the pleasure of it all.
We've stayed long enough.
But we've spoken to no one.
A vampire's life
is a life of discretion.
Why must we hide, Marius?
We are the powerful,
we are the immortal.
We should walk fearless
in the open, no?